duminică, 10 mai 2015

Frunze în vânt

„Strigă prezent!”

M-a sfătuit cerșetoarea din colț, pe înserat, culcușindu-se în spatele unei mașini parcate.

Nu am îndrăznit să spun nimic...

Prezent... unde?

duminică, 15 martie 2015

Dreams and Birds

My dreams are a parallel life
where I drive
and laugh
and cry
and fight
and eat
and drink
and remember things I did in the past,
in my dreams,
I fly like a bird in the night.

vineri, 23 ianuarie 2015

miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2015

There's this man I know

There's this man I know
He lives downstairs
He asks me Who I Am every time he sees me entering the building
But he smiles like he recognizes
the past

And he is always surprised
Am I really who I pretend to be

Who Am I

I tell him again, being a bit insecure
I'm not sure if he really doesn't remember anything

That's so neat, you are so young and talented, he says
He says that every time
He doesn't know me at all

Now he doesn't get out as much

I've heard he's lost his appetite
I'm not sure if it's because his memory fails him
or he just doesn't like the food anymore

Sometimes, if you're not afraid to look into his eyes
You can see someone else
watching you

vineri, 16 ianuarie 2015

When I wake up

and I'm really, really tired

I look in the mirror

and it seems that my eyes are smiling
at me

as if they had
a life of their own